"Saya sudah hampir berputus asa mencari rawatan untuk bahu saya. Segala jamu, supplemen, fisioterapi dan exercise dah cuba. Dah jumpa beberapa doktor, dah makan beberapa jenis ubat tahan sakit tapi hilang untuk beberapa hari sahaja, lepas tu sakit balik. Alhamdulillah lepas rawatan di sini, dah boleh gerak seperti biasa dah tangan dan bahu ni. Kelengkapan klinik pun lengkap, ada X-ray dan juga Ultrasound. Thank you Primer Cherang Clinic Kota Damansara
Puan Elina
Pesakit Frozen Shoulder

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Do you notice that your shoulder is painful when you try to move it? Do you feel that your shoulder has become gradually stiffer over the months? Are you having difficulty to do simple task like lifting up objects, reaching up or even sleeping at night because your shoulder is painful?

If you are having these symptoms, you might be having frozen shoulder or the medical term for it is “Adhesive Capsulitis”.

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

Risk factors

Some people are at greater risk of developing Frozen Shoulder than others. Below are the risk factors of developing Frozen Shoulder: